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military tank parts

Military Tank Parts - Understanding the external anatomy of a tank can help World of Tanks players identify the weak points of an enemy tank and can improve their chances of damaging the crew or taking out modules when attacking. This guide provides an overview of the tank's external anatomy so players know the right places to aim.

In World of Tanks, the external appearance of each tank will be different based on the type of tank and the nation. Some tanks may have parts that are not available in other tanks. However, each tank is made from the same set of components.

Military Tank Parts

Military Tank Parts

The placement of certain components may vary between tanks, but most tanks share the same structure. The figure below describes the common parts that can be seen on the outside of the tank.

Rebuilding M1 Tank

When looking at a tank, there are four main areas that you can immediately identify, regardless of the type of tank:

The 'body' of the tank. The hull forms the general structure of the tank and holds its main parts. The hull has armor plates of varying thickness all around. The driver lives inside the front of the hull, along with the radio operator. while the engine, fuel, and transmission are usually behind the hull. The triangular armor plates in front of the ice body are the upper and lower ice.

The large "head" of the tank where the equipment is mounted. The turret sits on top of the hull and can rotate when the turret is not fixed to the hull. Smaller parts can also be seen on the turret, such as the periscope, the hatch and the cupola. Most of the crew lives in the turret basket (usually the commander, gunner and loader). The tower is equipped to protect its internal crew.

The barrel protruding from the turret is the gun of the tank and serves as its main weapon. This will be a high quality cannon. Some tanks may also have a coaxial gun or turret-mounted machine gun, but these cannot be used in World of Tanks. There is no real way to destroy the gun itself in World of Tanks, but you can target the dam turret, turret ring or internal crew instead.

Military Vehicle Spare Parts

The tracks are a set of wheels on the left and right sides of the hull. The tablets are the tanks he uses to travel. Steering wheels are tooth-shaped wheels at the front or rear end of the tracks. Damping the steering wheel causes the tank to "track", immobilizing the vehicle until the roads are cleared. Tracks may have an armor "skirt" with a gap covering it for added protection.

All tanks are made of these four main parts. Tanks will look different depending on the placement of the sub-components within each of these components. For example, some tanks have an ammunition rack behind the turret, while others have an ammunition rack in the hull.

Damage to certain modules can greatly hinder the tank during the war, so it is important to have a general idea of ​​where these modules will be placed on the tank, even if they are not visible from the outside. The website offers helpful visual guides for all tanks hit points, which is where we found the memes below.

Military Tank Parts

Killing and destroying enemy tanks requires understanding how the tank is built, the type of armor it has and the accuracy of your tank. Now that you know the basic anatomy of a tank, you should have a better idea of ​​where to target the enemy and what areas to protect yourself in World of Tanks.

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Larryn is a full-time editor who has written guides and editorial features for several sports websites. He is obsessed with The Witcher 3 and is known to put hot sauce on everything.

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